Structured cabling, data cabling


We offer comprehensive structured cabling services. Design of a structured cabling solution in the building, complete implementation of the order, assembly, cabling, connection and measurement. Protocols and certification measurements are also a matter of course.

Structured cabling - It is a universal cable distribution in buildings, thanks to which digital and analog signals can be transmitted without the need to install special cable distributions. Structured cabling is a fundamental element of computer LAN infrastructure. It also increases the efficiency of network management, reduces maintenance costs and enables easy addition or moving of devices within the network, for example. (phone, IP camera, computer). Optical network is also used nowadays for structured cabling due to its properties.

Network topology - is the structure of a computer network. It is the style in which computers and other devices are connected to each other in a network. There are several types of topologies, each with advantages and disadvantages.

  • Bus topology of the network - if the computers are connected one behind the other along a single cable (segment)
  • Star network topology - if computers are connected to segments that come from a single point (hub)
  • Ring network topology - if computers are connected to a cable that forms a ring
  • Tree topology - is typical for hierarchical systems with centralized control, where there is one superior node. It occurs in terminal and local area networks. The advantage is an overview of the network situation, the possibility of load distribution and efficient use of resources. 

Star topology is most often used in the world. A star topology reduces the possibility of network failure by connecting all devices to a central node. Each device communicates with the other device by receiving and transmitting data only to the central node. As a result of the failure of the transmission connection between the device and the central node, it will only cause the failure of the given device and thus its isolation from all other (functional) devices.

The image serves to give an idea of ​​what a common star topology looks like in buildings